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Jumbo decision raises questions

The building of the Jumbo Ski Resort near Invermere B.C. has been controversial for a number of years and has finally come to fruition.

The building of the Jumbo Ski Resort near Invermere B.C. has been a hot bed of controversy for a number of years and has finally now, come into fruition.

Regretfully, it did so in the affirmative.

However, the question still remains as to whether it should be built at all. Is another ski resort really necessary and should our precious wilderness be sacrificed to facilitate its development?

Undoubtedly, there are those that would wring their hands in anticipation of such construction, while there are still others that would shake their heads in sheer disgust.

One can’t help wondering though, if the local species could withstand such encroachment. Human pursuit knows no bounds nor Nature such infestation.

The deep forest offers sanctuary but not food.

If people behave as if alone in the world, they soon will be. While it is true that whatever lives must also die, we sometime forget that Earth is a living planet to hasten its death, would be to hasten our own.

Yes, some places are sacred and should be protected. The ill-conceived Jumbo Ski Resort area is one of them!

John Kratky,
