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Museum should be preserved

"The Columbia Basin Trust... should be buying this museum but instead has some lame excuse not to."

There is a privately owned museum between Salmo and Fruitvale that rivals, if not in size, certainly in interest the great museums of the world. The museum exhibits much of Kootenay life before this modern era.

It is in danger of being lost, sold off piece by piece.

The Columbia Basin Trust, which is supposed to preserve, protect and enhance Kootenay culture should be buying this museum but instead has some lame excuse not to.

Museums document history and culture in a way books or computer cannot.

The Columbia Basin Trust receives a lot of public money and should be accountable in how it is spent. Preserving museums is more worthwhile than many of the projects that receive money.

New Denver would be a lot poorer without the Japanese internment museum and the Kootenays will be a lot poorer if this museum is allowed to disappear.

The museum is owned by Donald Endersby on the east side of Ross Spur Road near the Salmo end of the Bombi Highway (3)

Greg WoznyYmir