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Rossland museum worth a visit

Appreciation for the extremely interesting and historic Rossland Museum.

As some of your readers are aware, Betty and I spend a fair amount of time on the golf course.

However there are days when we scratch our heads over finding something else to entertain ourselves.

On Saturday, July 13th we went for a drive up to Rossland and beyond on the old highway to Christina Lake. We only went a mile or so unlike a trip over the whole route I did with my dad in 1950.

As we still had more time, we stopped in at the Rossland Museum. Years ago we had toured the outdoor aspects, but we had never gone inside.

This time we did and it is a “wow.”

Congratulations to those who developed and those who maintain this extremely interesting and historic facility.

I would like to encourage you to add it to your bucket list.

Terry Panton,
