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Voting ‘Yes’ sends a message

I would like to respond to Royce Schmidt’s letter that appeared in the Times on June 16 (Eliminating HST may not prevent more tax, Trail Times June 16).

I would like to respond to Royce Schmidt’s letter that appeared in the Times on June 16 (Eliminating HST may not prevent more tax, Trail Times June 16).

Mr. Schmidt seems to have forgotten that prior to the last provincial election the Liberal Party told us specifically that they were not going to introduce the HST in B.C., and that virtually immediately after they were elected they announced that they were going to institute the HST.

That, to my way of thinking, was yet another prime example of the Liberal Party not being honest and forthright with the people of this province, and this kind of behaviour needs to be stopped!

While Mr. Schmidt may be correct when he says that “within days of extinguishing HST, we could just see PST on restaurant meals, haircuts, theater tickets, etc.

They could also change the rules so that businesses would be exempt from PST on their inputs.”, he has missed the main point of the whole anti-HST campaign .

That whole point being that when politicians outrightly lie to their people, the people can hold them accountable and make them change their ways.

So, Mr. Schmidt, no matter what the Liberal Party may do immediately after the HST is “extinguished” and we go back to the  PST/GST taxation system, this vote is to tell them, and all other politicians as well, that dishonesty and a lack of transparency in government is not acceptable!

Hopefully voting “Yes to extinguish the HST” matter that we were lied to about will help make this province a better place to live for all of us.

Clark White
