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Search results for "Philip Wolf"

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WOLF: What age do you see yourself when you're dreaming?

WOLF: What age do you see yourself when you're dreaming?

COLUMN: Others may not recognize long-ago you
WOLF: Would you ever eat a cold hot dog right out of the pack?

WOLF: Would you ever eat a cold hot dog right out of the pack?

COLUMN: Hot dogs seem to be everywhere in the month of July
WOLF: Vandalism in all forms is just exceptionally stupid

WOLF: Vandalism in all forms is just exceptionally stupid

COLUMN: Strong emotions expressed in unhealthy ways
WOLF: Hockey seems a little out of place in the summer

WOLF: Hockey seems a little out of place in the summer

COLUMN: Stanley Cup final should wrap up near the end of May
WOLF: Desperately seeking suggestions for sweet summer relaxation

WOLF: Desperately seeking suggestions for sweet summer relaxation

COLUMN: What’s your go-to stress reliever?
WOLF: Would you chew a piece of 32-year-old hockey card gum?

WOLF: Would you chew a piece of 32-year-old hockey card gum?

COLUMN: Reader sends in package that sparks nostalgic thoughts
WOLF: 50 years is quite the long coffee break for B.C. man

WOLF: 50 years is quite the long coffee break for B.C. man

COLUMN: Dunnett returns to playing musical instruments after five decades
WOLF: Mother’s Day nears, a time for reflection and special memories

WOLF: Mother’s Day nears, a time for reflection and special memories

COLUMN: Share your own thoughts of your mom, grandma, special someone
WOLF: Don’t fiddle with your belly button, your bum will fall off

WOLF: Don’t fiddle with your belly button, your bum will fall off

COLUMN: Readers take over with amusing, insightful responses
WOLF: Do you follow the ‘5-second rule’ when it comes to food?

WOLF: Do you follow the ‘5-second rule’ when it comes to food?

COLUMN: Interesting old tales have a long shelf life in my mind