The Arrow Yacht Club Family Fishing Derby wrapped up last week with a large flotilla of fishers of all ages turning up for the annual event.
Close to 70 anglers signed up for the derby with 21 junior fishers registered.
There were three adult hidden weight prizes of $25 each and three hidden weight and time prizes of a tackle box and lure for the juniors courtesy of RHC Insurance Castlegar and Columbia Power Corporation that sponsored many of the cash prizes and hidden weight prizes.
Mike Belanger pulled in a 10 pounds-six-ounces lunker for the overall winner pocketing a cool $500, while Lil Laarz won the Ladies largest fish with a 1 pound 15 ounce trophy, good for $200. Ryan Ferreira won the largest Men’s boating a 7 pound 14 ounce trout and the $200 prize.
All of the junior fishers were winners as they all went home with a prize bag. But it was Zack Campbell who tagged the largest junior fish overall, while Jadyn Ferreira and Brandon Costa won the girl’s and boy’s biggest catch, each taking home a rod and reel combo and $20 for their catch.
The derby started on Saturday with wonderful sunny skies and ended with a delicious barbecue lunch on Monday at the Yacht Club.
Despite some weather changes through the weekend and rain coming down on Monday, spirits were high during the lunch and the awards.
“The focus on this derby was to encourage juniors to participate,” said Club manager Brenda Howell in an email. “The derby registrants went home with many door prizes thanks to the generosity of the Trail, Fruitvale, and Castlegar area merchants."