Smokie camps have started but they play next week and the week after that out of town.
The NHL has started sliding into lockout.
Hurricane season is ramping up, as is the U.S. political campaign season, which is even more painful than our own.
Reruns all over the tube, even including poker.It’s pre-season for the NFL and the playoff drive isn’t really under way yet in baseball.
So, we all need a break in a pretty locale.
The good thing for us locals is that we don’t have to travel far for that.
Come out to Gyro Park Sunday morning and you can: Catch breakfast from the Kootenay-famous Kiwanians;
Sign up to be an organ donor;
Participate, as a walker or sponsor or spectator, in the Trail Kidney Walk, whose organizers annually show the rest of the province how to get their community behind a worthwhile effort;
Partake of various entertainments provided;
AND, pick up a bargain or three in the first-ever kidney walk Silent Auction, which contains such items as:
Airline tickets, Smoke Eater tickets, movie tickets, bowling passes, golf passes, massages, garden ornaments, workout/tanning passes, gift baskets full of stuff both beautiful and useful and often delicious; food, beverage and gasoline gift certificates, a very special and valuable puppy starter kit with all the necessaries, AND
Signed hockey memorabillia from the Canucks and a signed Jason Bay special issue New York Mets jersey.
It’s still not done, you can bid on Trail Rides and tools, crystal and clothing and gadgets - 35 items in all.
Just show up in support of the cause, one way or another. Registration begins at nine, the auction runs from eight till noon, the walk takes off at 10 a.m.
Breakfast will be served from eight to 11 a.m. (or till supplies run out).
If you are an early riser, come on down and help set up the tables and chairs and awnings, all in a good cause. Fresh air, good weather, all the accoutrements to a good cause.
Why on earth wouldn’t you be there?