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Tragic birth in Victoria petting zoo leads to happy beginnings for 2 mama goats

Goat run returns to Beacon Hill Park as children’s farm welcomes spring babies

Joyful comments are pouring in as Beacon Hill Children’s Farm welcomes two new kids to the brood following a sad loss the day before.

The Victoria petting zoo, welcomed its first two baby goats of the season Jupiter and Solaris last week.

Momma goat Moon sadly gave birth to one stillborn baby, staff said in a social media post.

“This loss left a big empty space in Moon’s heart and life and the staff really felt for her,” it reads.

Less than 24 hours later, her sister Venus went into labour.

READ ALSO: Victoria petting zoo staff create cozy quarters to keep animals in Beacon Hill Park

“Moon was very agitated and talking to her through the stall wall the entire time. Venus delivered a big boy who she greeted eagerly and lovingly. While she was busy cleaning up her little son, she gave birth to a second baby – a tiny girl. This little one was so small that Venus barely had any contractions and really didn’t seem to feel her slide into this world.”

With Venus preoccupied with her son Jupiter, staff snuck the tiny female kid over to Moon, who was still calling and looking for a baby.

Moon carefully took on the baby girl as her own. “She became her daughter – her light at the end of her sadness – her Solaris!”

Venus is a proud mum of her big athletic son Jupiter and her sister is “over the moon” about her tiny, adventurous daughter Solaris, staff said.

“We are just so very grateful that despite the sad outcome of Moon’s delivery they are both happy mothers now each with a strong baby. And it is a joy to watch those two little ones bounce around and explore this unknown world.”

The farm in Beacon Hill Park is open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with goat stampedes at 10:10 a.m and 4:10 p.m.


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About the Author: Greater Victoria News Staff

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