One B.C. cyclist is so tired of drivers not respecting his lane space he’s started posting videos online to shame them.
His YouTube channel is called Crow Molly Media and the videos are titled “Abbotsford dangerous driver of the day.”
“You motorists deserve all your costs and misery,” reads a drop-title in one video.
The law recommends vehicles leave a distance of atleast one metre when passing bicycles on a single lane road. On multi-lane roads, drivers are supposed to change lanes.
In the past 24 hours the channel has uploaded two videos with incidents occurring over the past couple weeks where this didn’t happen. And he’s angry.
In the first video, dated Sept. 7, a work-truck towing a trailer passes him and turns into his lane without signaling. He claims he was told to “calm down” by the driver when they exhanged words.
In the second video, dated Sept. 16, a vehicle passes him in his lane at a distance of under a metre on a multi-lane road.
(WARNING: video below contains extreme language)
The cyclist proceeds to yell obscenities at the driver and chase him to the next light to continue his profanity-laced lecture.
The man claims this happens a lot.
“Now though, I’m tired of it, it’s a clear and present danger.”
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