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Where do your poppy dollars go?

Poppies are sold every year in the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day
Photo: Victoria Tronina/Unsplash

Wearing a poppy is a good way to not only pay tribute to Canada’s veterans but also to give back to them.

Poppies sold every year in the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day are provided by the Royal Canadian Legion, who use the money collected to provide assistance to veterans.

Here are some excellent uses to which this organization puts donations collected for Remembrance Day.

Transition programs

For many veterans, returning to civilian life proves to be a challenge. They confront estranged connections with friends and family, feelings of isolation, difficulties adapting to new workplaces and mental illnesses like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The Royal Canadian Legion helps fund the Veterans Transition Network, a program that assists veterans through the tumultuous period after leaving active duty, providing them with helpful tools and resources as well as a welcoming community.

Financial assistance and housing

Some veterans have an especially difficult time adjusting to civilian life and end up homeless or at risk of homelessness. In addition to providing financial support to such individuals, the Legion supports numerous outreach programs, food banks, drop-in cen­tres and meals-on-wheels programs.

Medical support

The Legion provides funds for medical equipment, medical training and medical treatment focused on caring for injured and infirm veterans. It also helps pay for accessibility modifications that assist veterans with disabilities.

Educational bursaries

The Legion grants bursaries to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of veterans who require financial assistance to be able to pursue a post-secondary education.

Remembrance activities

With the help of our donations, the Legion finances activities that shine a light on our past and commemorate our veterans.