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Community support helps band flourish

Community support helps band flourish

Trail and District After School Band acts as a major supporter of the school music program by providing additional training and structure.
Anti-bullying efforts working: survey

Anti-bullying efforts working: survey

Bullying at Trail's JL Crowe is much lower than the national average, says student counsellor.

Nominations process begins for Citizen of the Year

Nomination forms can be picked up at a number of Trail and Warfield locations and churches.
Seniors’ annual vigil continues

Seniors’ annual vigil continues

Jim Albo continues to protest in front of KBRH to draw attention to what he sees as misplaced priorities and lack of caring.
Dolls bring nature to life

Dolls bring nature to life

A sample of Raney’s needle felt sculpting is currently on display in the Salmo library.
Trail officially flying solo with airport

Trail officially flying solo with airport

Many gathered Saturday to celebrate City of Trail officially taking ownership of the Trail Airport.
Love takes nuptials to new heights

Love takes nuptials to new heights

Couple plans to tie the knot later this month on top of Granite Mountain
Valentine’s Day carnations delivered in the name of love and fundraising

Valentine’s Day carnations delivered in the name of love and fundraising

Carnations will help raise funds to send Trail and Rossland Interact students to Cambodia for volunteer work.
The keys to success

The keys to success

Jean Fischer has been teaching piano in Trail for 50 years and has found a gifted student in Monica McPhee.

Trail lands airport ownership this weekend

The city will officially take ownership of the Trail Regional Airport this Saturday, the public are invited to attend.