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I love turtles

I love turtles

Another series of delectable turtles—made of pecans, caramel and chocolate—is served up by Gerianne Hanik of Morning Perk on Bay Avenue.
Fruitvale salon gets new look from new owners

Fruitvale salon gets new look from new owners

Mystic Beauty Salon has a renovated storefront while still delivering the same quality of service.

Office Politics 101: My boss is the retiring type

I like my boss – but he’s retiring. I’m very anxious about working with his successor.
The keys to the city

The keys to the city

Parslow Lock and Safe owner Randy Smith brings his 16 years of experience to bear on a new key cut for a customer.

Office Politics 101: A weighty issue

There’s a woman in our office who is obviously getting heavier. I’ve also struggled with weight and would like to speak with her.
Heap of cans

Heap of cans

Another bag of aluminum cans is added to the mountainous stack at the Trail Bottle Depot on Rossland Avenue by Jensen Halagaza.

Colourful construction

The construction of the new A & W restaurant in downtown Trail is starting to get a splash of colour.

Office Politics 101: A colleague just bought an expensive car!

always thought we made the same salary, but he obviously is making much more. I feel upset. Should I speak with our boss?

KAST - Legal advice available for entrepreneurs

KAST recently launched a free legal advice program (ASK An Expert: LEGAL) for creative entrepreneurs.

Council ups fine for un-paid licences

Trail City Council passed a bylaw to raise the business licence penalty for those merchants who have not paid for their business licence.