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Back on the bus

Back on the bus

The school buses are back in business this week and police remind motorists to observe speed limits around schools.

Bidding over opponent’s takeout double

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for bridge players new to experienced.

Fall colours come to life in trees and shrubs

The days are slowly getting shorter and the nights are cooling off. To our dismay, this is a sure sign that fall is on its way.

Love ones may leave but will never be forgotten

There are many ways to remember loved ones we have lost.
Soffit slice

Soffit slice

Carey Snider cuts soffit for the exterior of the Trail Aquatic Centre.

Get your child on track before school starts

One of the areas I spend much of my time solving, is the reasons behind why a child is having a hard time focusing or concentrating
Battery check

Battery check

Bylaw enforcement officer Bernadette Racette began changing batteries on some of the parking meters in downtown Trail this week.
Rossland balancing act

Rossland balancing act

Rosslander Sparky Steeves practiced walking on a slack-line between two trees at McLean Elementary on Wednesday afternoon.
Pigeon proofing

Pigeon proofing

Workers were atop the Victoria St Bridge in Trail this week as they continue to add preventive measures to keep pigeons off the bridge.
Double over opponent’s no-trump

Double over opponent’s no-trump

Tips and tricks for bridge players new to experienced.