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Play Bridge: Direct action over a weak three

Play Bridge: Direct action over a weak three

As was the case, for over a weak two, one does not take action with just an opening hand.
Brett Butt explores the language of comedy

Brett Butt explores the language of comedy

Canadian comedian Brent Butt doesn’t always know ahead of time what he’s going to say on stage.
Linda Ruan

Linda Ruan

Winner of the Registered Music Teachers’ Annual Piano Competition.

GRAPEVINE: Teck Children’s Series at Charles Bailey Theatre

Waneta Plaza's craft fair on Friday, Cadence takes the stage Saturday
Play Bridge: Revisiting EHAA from another angle

Play Bridge: Revisiting EHAA from another angle

"Here North takes action over a weak two with the wrong hand..."

GRAPEVINE: Harmony Choir Spring Concert on Saturday

Events include United Way's fundraising BBQ on Saturday and Harmony Choir's Spring Concert Saturday night.
Play Bridge: Revisiting an adventurous EHAA

Play Bridge: Revisiting an adventurous EHAA

"South has the same hand as last week’s column, but this time, the opponents have the outstanding points."

Spring Fling Festival in Castlegar

Celebrating it’s 10th anniversary, the Spring Fling Festival is coming back to down town Castlegar May 2.

Kootenay Gallery: J.L. Crowe students part of ‘Young Visions 2015’

The Kootenay Gallery presents the annual “Young Visions 2015” exhibition from April 23 to May 30.

Grapevine: Cinderella’s Closet dress drive Saturday

SwingSationS Saturday at KP Hall, Joe Hill Coffee House at the Rossland Miner's Hall on Sunday, and more.