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Western shift in Cdn economy gaining momentum

Campbell exits, his legacy uncertain

Campbell exits, his legacy uncertain

Winners and losers in B.C. tax changes

Success hardly due to Tories

Rossland councillor provides his take

I think some clarification is needed about the Wednesday story, “Mayor Threatens To Call Rcmp On Councillor.”

Come on Trail, let’s get vocal about the bridge

I just finished reading the Trail Mayor’s Feb. 9 Community Comment regarding requesting our input on the proposed second bridge(s). I think before we waste a lot of time and money on more studies we should have a lot more information provided to us.

Budget shows a drifting government

The weirdest moment in this year’s budget lockup came when Finance Minister Colin Hansen was asked about the 15-per-cent income tax cut Premier Gordon Campbell proposed - and then withdrew - in the fall.
Cougar photo shocks, but hunt ethical

Cougar photo shocks, but hunt ethical

The claws came out in response to our story (and accompanying photo in our online edition) showing a hunter holding up the body of a massive cougar, but not in the way we expected.

Almighty dollar destroying polar bears

I read last Wednesday’s story about polar bears (Polar Bears Threatened by Early Ice Breakup) and was reminded of a CBC show about them recently (Pricing the Polar Bear).

Son maintains vigil for parents

It has been five years since the death of my parents while in the care of the Interior Health Authority.