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The Heat is on

The Heat is on

Mike Pearson applies the heat to the torch-on roofing installed on the players’ entrance to the Trail Memorial Centre on Wednesday.
Tree-raising trio

Tree-raising trio

Bill Garnett directs Jaime Krahenbuhl and another helper in lifting a 25-foot Christmas tree into place.

Fruitvale keeping watch on park

If you are heading to Creekside Community Park any time soon, smile, you’ll be on camera.
Poppy parade

Poppy parade

Friday morning dozens of the nearly 1,000 people who assembled around the cenotaph placed poppies at the foot of the soldier statue.

RLOP serves up dinner and ‘Murder at Crooked House’ on Saturday

Upcoming Events & Happenings in the Lower Columbia

Remembrance Day schedule of ceremonies

It will be standing room only at the Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph in Trail on Pine Avenue Friday.

New program aims to connect with local boys

When the Trail Smoke Eaters connect on the ice in a hockey game it usually results in a goal.
Colour party at Seniors Centre

Colour party at Seniors Centre

Remembrance Day services members performed a colour party for about 30 seniors Monday at the Trail Seniors’ Centre.
Perfect time to buy a board

Perfect time to buy a board

As luck would have it, Rossland’s first significant snowfall Thursday may be a perfect sign of a fun season ahead.
Ceremonial tree planted

Ceremonial tree planted

Trail Rotarians planted a tree to commemorate the work done by club members and other community volunteers to green the community.